RPR Agency is proud to announce that it will be the official social media agency for The Tshwane Business Awards 2015. This is indeed exciting and big news not to share.
The TBAs are focused on the celebration of Tshwane entrepreneurs. Anyone who has attempted to open a business knows the struggle it takes to lead a business from an idea to an actual product. This is the primary reason behind the awards. The TBAs want to give the entrepreneur a pat on the back so to speak, a congratulatory hand-shake if you may.
The categories are varied and encompass all of Tshwane's major industries; i.e. ICT, Accounting, Law and even Township Economies to name just a few. These events are set to take place on the 28th of November 2015 at the prestigious Sheraton Hotel in Tshwane.
For more information regarding the TBAs please email all queries to:
Email: info@tshwanebusinessawards.co.za
Facebook: Tshwane Business Awards Gala Dinner
We look forward to hearing and engaging with you, better yet we hope to see you on the night.

This blog serves to act as a website for Roadspringer PR (RPR) Agency. We are a newly established PR agency focused on advancing the communication industry in Pretoria aka City of Tshwane. Our clientele is a mix of locally based companies and locally based entertainment artists in Pretoria; that want to reach a wider market but lack the man power and skill to do so.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Thursday, 6 August 2015
All growing businesses need to invest in good PR
By Thoriso
Kolobe Managing Director of RPR Agency
To many
small and medium businesses, PR is seen as more of a luxury than a necessity. “Reputation
management is for the big guys” SMME owners will be heard uttering such words; “when
s#*t hits the fan, that’s when I’ll call in a PRP, right now I don’t need one”
another SMME owner will mutter.
Is that so?
Is PR a luxury only for the big budget companies? Is it ridiculous to want to
structure any agency around the SMME environment? I used to think so, until I
realised just how many SMMEs are out there. If any company is to grow it must
have a healthy bottom line, right? Yes but that’s not all it takes to grow a company,
a company needs a bevy of loyal customers. These loyal customers build a
relationship with the company, learn to trust a company and eventually tell
their family and friends about it. These relationships require full-time management;
which requires a PR practitioner.
As a young
agency it is ill-advised to focus solely on SMMEs; the number one reason is that
you will probably work at a shortfall. SMMEs don’t really value PR as a
necessity in the company, yet ironically to grow their image and to be taken seriously
by their biggest competitors, they mostly undergo a PR- makeover. If the
reality is that SMMEs need PR and the illusion is that they don’t need PR; how
does PR show up in reality as a need?
It shows up
with facts, stats and insight. One of the many reasons why PR is not taken seriously
as an industry on its own is because it has a bad reputation. For most of
history, PR has been associated with negativity. Propaganda, publicity stunts
and too many Hollywood disasters to mention; are just a few reasons as to why
no SMME can really take the industry seriously.
PR needs to
change course, it needs to go from being the lying, sexy, fun-type of partner
to the more loyal, honest, transparent type of partner that every business
needs. PR practitioners are encouraged to be more honest in their pitches. They
are encouraged to not sell the world to SMMEs. Don’t promise your client that
you will make them as big as Coca Cola within a year, don’t tell your client
that you guarantee them first page status every week. Only do these if you are
certain you can, and at that; tell them how much it would cost to get to that
really want to be big, so feeding in to that need will only result in an epic
fail from your side. Tell them what you can offer, which is at least a second
page on the bottom corner of the Provincial Newspaper and a steady slot on the
local radio station. With doing this, PR is able to regain its reputation as an
industry and also prove to be a need for any growing SMME.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Our very first You Are It (YAI) feature is on up and coming motswako rapper Mopheme
Makgareetsa affectionately known to his fans as Mopheme is a Cullinan born and bred
motswako rapper. Mopheme is a stage name given to him by renowned hip hop
artist HHP. A dream chaser and chance taker by virtue of birth, Mopheme’s
hustle now sees him as one of the top 12 VuzuHustle contestant.
recording his first single; in which he remixes HHP's Tswaka with a live band; he scored himself a bevy of downloads and
ultimately gained a respectable fan base. He has had the privy of working with the
likes of HHP, Andrew Jed and Lection just to name a few. He is currently said
to be working on his first album (can’t wait for that one).
Mopheme is
more than a motswako rapper, with his marketing communication background; he
has co-founded an entertainment company with co-partner Khutsiso Babedi called
Twenty28Media. The by-line explaining the name is that “We believe that numbers
bring success”. With his unrelenting
hunger for success, I do believe that soon enough that tagline will prove to be
his life.
If you
would like to know more about him do check him out on the social media links
below or catch him every Tuesday on Vuzu Amp 114 on the VuzuHustle.
Bookings :
Twitter :
Instagram :
page : Mopheme
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Nqobile is our #WCW
I met Nqobile when I was literally starting out my journey
as an adolescent; I think I must have been 12 or 13 years old. The one thing that
drew me close to her was her warmth. Nqobile as far back as I can remember had
the kindest heart ever.
You ever had a friend
that seemed like they never wanted to go home; that for some odd reason they
seemed to spend most of their time at your house? Well I was that friend. I
didn’t care if she had to go to sleep, if she and her family had to go
somewhere, I was always there like a terrible rash that refused to go away;
look if you met her, you would know what I was talking about.
Apart from her being one of the sweetest people I had ever
met, Nqobile is this week’s #WCW because of her unforgiving commitment to saving
the world one helpless soul at a time. Her warm heart shines through in the
projects she chooses to devote most of her time to, one of them being Project Help. This organisation is geared towards
helping NGO’s in and around greater Pretoria. They do this by organising fund raising
events and driving awareness campaigns for community organisations.
Well don’t take my word for it, and read about her in her
own words below:
What do you love most about your life?
put the people in it. I am surrounded by the most amazing people from family,
to friends, to colleagues and acquaintances. Each one plays such an incredible
role in building my dreams and going through life on a daily basis.
2) Do
you believe in God, if so what does God mean to you?
I do. I believe that He is my all and without Him I simply cannot be. God means
to me the author and leader of my life and everything in it, He is my king and
personal Lord and Saviour.
3) What
would you do if you weren’t afraid?
my job and fully commit to my dreams to ensure they get fulfilled.
4) What
are you most insecure about?
not all the time, but it does come time to time, it is how I portray myself in
front of people.
What do you know for sure?
AM a conqueror!
Who is your #WCW and why?
This changes so often, but for this week I will say my
cousin Bathabile Lekhuleni. I have picked her this week after some personal
things she has and is going through but her strength and courage that she
displays is completely admirable. If I am allowed tohave 2 WCW, my second one
would be Phuti Mahanyele (featuring for the 3rd time now lol). After
reading her feature on this month’s Destiny magazine, I could resonate a lot
with her and through her story got encourage and re-evaluated some things in my
life as well based on the advises spoken through her life story.
What makes you proud to be a woman?
were chosen to bring forth life, not just naturally, but in everything they do,
they have the ability to speak things into existence, bring life to any
situation. Essentially, the power and strength within a woman is out of this
world, all we need to do is to tap into this great resource and bring along
change in our homes, societies, companies, businesses and ultimately the world.
I am proud to be a woman because of the power God has instilled in me and has
trusted me with.
The one dream that scares you the most is:
responsible for changing the world. This scares me because changing the world
means somehow changing people in a way and that I can say for sure won’t be an
easy task to do.
If you could trade lives with any celebrity who
it be and why?
all honesty there is no one. For the simple reason that no one person has been
dealt the same deck of cards of life and furthermore, do not have the same
capabilities to endure even the exact same life challenges and even joys. For
what looks glamorous in another person, may be simply the tip of the ice berg
of beneath all of that is some really heavy things that the person has had to
go through and overcome. So I really wouldn’t even want to trade lives with
anyone, even for one day.
Are you happy with whom you are?
Once I recognised whom I am, my position in the world and the promise hanging
over my life, because nothing can take that away from me, I have reached and
maintained a level of contentment and I am at peace with who I am, where I am
going and I am ecstatic about the woman I am becoming.
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
RPR Agency's #WCW is Molebogeng
Our very first #WCW hails all the way from Pretoria; her
name is Molebogeng Maswabi. I met this phenomenal young lady in my high school
years when I was 14 years old. Molebogeng had an energy about her that read “I
have people to see, places to be in and things to do”. I remember thinking dear
God how on earth can I get the same energy to make it through this stack of
A lot has changed over 10 years for this young woman but one
thing remains prevalent, her unending zest for life; and dare I say it is even
“zestier” than I recall. Molebogeng has managed to graduate with a degree in
Corporate Communication, along with that she belted an honours degree in
Communication Science and Media Studies. She also holds a certificate in
Thought Leadership from the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute.
As if any of those weren’t enough to recognise why she is
our #WCW; she went ahead and founded not one but two social development companies;
that is the Fundisa Bonke Foundation and the Women’s Empowerment Network of
South Africa (WENOSA). That should seal the deal for any doubters.
No longer is she driven by the “I have people to see, places
to be in and things to do” energy, she is motivated rather by the “I am the
change I want to see in the world” energy. She knows this and she lives by this
truth. Here she is in her own words:
RPR: What
do you love most about your life?
M: There
are quite a number of things I love about my life – I’m blessed. However, what
I love most about it is the divine purpose which it carries. It is through this
purpose that my life is lived largely to make a meaningful difference in the
life of the next person. This is also what fulfills me most.
Do you believe in God, if so what does God mean to you?
M: I
believe in God. I would not be alive, nor be the person I am today had it not
been for God. I often find it very difficult to describe what He means to me,
because of the overwhelmingly profound role which He plays in my life. Simply
RPR: What
would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I’ve always been described as someone who’s brave. On that front, there’s very
little I’m afraid of. If at all I wasn’t afraid of even the little, I’d ‘FLY’.
By that I mean, I would conquer the world in a magnificent way. I’m working on
this, every day. I dare you to ask me this question again five years from
today. I’ll be telling you a different and more noteworthy story.
What are you most insecure about?
I find it amusing how I’m most insecure about what I am usually applauded for –
and that is addressing large audiences. I’m enrolling with a public speaking
forum during the coming months, as a means to develop my confidence in this
regard, and overcoming this ridiculous insecurity.
RPR: What
do you know for sure?
M: That
I’m destined for greatness, and that by living out/demonstrating my greatness,
millions of people across the globe will develop the confidence to live out
theirs as well
RPR: Who
is your #WCW and why?
M: My
#WCW is my mother, whose strength and resilience challenges and inspires me to
confidently tackle whatever challenge I encounter. She’s certainly a women I
commend on many fronts, particularly for the distinguished, respectful and
esteemed young woman I have grown to become
RPR: What
makes you proud to be a woman?
M: My
in-built power, which enables me to create, transform and nurture.
RPR: The
one dream that scares you the most is...
M: Seeing
the Women’s Empowerment Network of South Africa, for which I am the founding
president, expand its reach into the rest of Africa, and potentially other
you could trade lives with any celebrity who would it be and why?
M: There’s
NO celebrity I’d trade lives with. I’m content with my life.
RPR: Are
you happy with whom you are?
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Woman Crush Wednesday
We love women, especially young, passionate, South African women. So here's an idea: Why don't we have a little chit-chat with some of our awesome women and pick their brains about certain ideas they have about life. I being a woman understand the importance of allowing women to converse and share their thoughts about life. We may not agree about everything but we must learn to hear what we each have to say.
And it is because of this that I want to learn more about being a woman from other young women. Starting next week Wednesday we will do a feature on one of our #WCW for that week and pick her brain about life. Some of the women we will feature already run their own businesses and will be given the platform to share with us what their business is all about, that way you can contact them if you are interested in working with them.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
We want YOU to trust us
We are currently on the look-out for new clientele. We are seeking young entrepreneurs that need some help in the PR department. It happens that you open a business and you have some idea about what you would like to do in your business, however you just seem to fail at getting your message out there to your target market.
This is where we come in. We will conduct basic market research to determine who is your target market, where do they most likely get information about their products and lastly how much are they willing to spend on the things they like. This will enable us to find out the most basic, yet important information needed to build and maintain loyal relationships with your customer.
We have a strong understanding that as a small business and as an entrepreneur money is one of the toughest aspects to get a good hold on. So all our prices will be tailor-made to not only fit your budget but also fit your company size.
We have a deep understanding that we are who we are only because you trust us to be who we are.
This is where we come in. We will conduct basic market research to determine who is your target market, where do they most likely get information about their products and lastly how much are they willing to spend on the things they like. This will enable us to find out the most basic, yet important information needed to build and maintain loyal relationships with your customer.
We have a strong understanding that as a small business and as an entrepreneur money is one of the toughest aspects to get a good hold on. So all our prices will be tailor-made to not only fit your budget but also fit your company size.
We have a deep understanding that we are who we are only because you trust us to be who we are.
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